About Miss Rosie

About Miss Rosie

Hi friends and welcome!

As a first-generation Colombian-American from Chicago, I have always known the unique experience of walking through the intersection of two cultures.  My parents and siblings experienced our American life in a completely different way than mine.  And while I was much more American than them, I still knew what it was like to feel like an "other".   Over the years, I learned to adjust to the cultures around me, but couldn't help to think how much it would mean to me for others to recognize my own.  Books help to do that. 

Culture is inextricably linked to books, as it opens the window to different languages, foods, families, and even neighborhoods.

I have used my role as a bookseller and library outreach specialist to teach others how to open these windows for their own children and communities.  

When I'm not reading or reviewing books, I spend my time with my daughter Zoila and our fun and friendly animals, Beans, Rice, Macaroni, Café, and Ramen!

Rosie Camargo, lovingly known as Miss Rosie, is a first-generation Colombian-American award-winning library associate, children's book specialist, and cultural literacy expert.  With over 20+ years of experience in book retail and libraries, Rosie's book selections and reviews are highly regarded, along with her engaging and vibrant programming!

Rosie currently serves as a member of the RAILS Illinois Library system board, a member of the Storytime Solidarity team, and as a cultural literacy specialist and programmer for multiple Chicago-area libraries.

Committees & Leadership Positions

BIPOC Library Workers Group

Reviewer - Booklist

Social Media Chair - REFORMA Midwest

Member - SPARK (Spanish Programming and Resources for Kids)

Director of DEI - Storytime Solidarity